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Bracelets > Yin/Yang Unisex Copper Bracelet
Yin/Yang Unisex Copper Bracelet

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Price: $38.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: YYB1

This bracelet is made out of 8 and 6 gauge copper wire. It is a play on one of my copper ring designs, featuring a yin/yang pattern with a clamp detail at the centre. A versatile design, suitable for men and woman. The silver detail makes for a more unusual piece, a complementary option for those who love their sterling silver.

The centre pendant is just over 1.5 inches long. The bracelet is made 'one size fits all' with a one inch chain extension, however if you are concerned about the fit please leave your wrist measurements in the box at right. A men's size may need larger bands for a comfortable fit.