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Penny Jewelry > Customizable Stone Pendant with Canadian Penny
Customizable Stone Pendant with Canadian Penny

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Price: $45.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: PN04

Stone pendant with a 2012 collectible Canadian penny dropped from the bottom. The pendant piece is hand sculpted out of 12 gauge raw copper. Please note, the stones are all different so it may not look exactly as in the pictures. The pendant is dressed with a 16 or 18 inch fancy chain and a two inch chain extension. You can chose a custom penny year, colour and stone.

Chain may be different than pictured but will reach out for approval

If  you require a penny year older than 1930 please contact me for a quote.

Please see options at right to choose your stone. Options include  Hematite (metallic black), Rose Quartz (faceted pink rectangle), Carnelian (red diamond) If none of these call to you reach out to me and I can send a picture of other options I have in my stone stash!