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Penny Jewelry > Customizable Canadian Penny Wrapped Cuff Bracelet
Customizable Canadian Penny Wrapped Cuff Bracelet

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Price: $36.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: PB18

What better way to commemorate our loved and lost Canadian penny than to wear one on your wrist! Featured is the 2012 Canadian penny, the last year they were minted.

The bracelet is hand-sculpted out of raw copper, with 6 gauge copper bands and a 1 inch chain extension for a 'one size fits all' design. If you are concerned about the size, send me a message with your measurements and we'll be sure to get a good fit.

This design comes in three colour choices: high contrast, green patina, and regular patina. The colouring treatments involve a chemical reaction, and may not look exactly as pictured but we'll do our best to make a match. Pennies are laquered to keep the colour.

If you would like to request a special year, please type it in the box at right.  The picture here clearly shows the three colour options.